Join us in an online service to give thanks for and pray for the NHS and other frontline workers!
A service will be on the website on Thursday, April 30, from 7pm, with prayers, readings, music, artwork by children, videos, and pictures of frontline workers. Jeremy Hunt, MP, is taking part as is Cllr Pat Evans, Mayor of Farnham, but we need your help too. Here is how you can help
- Have your children or grandchildren made any rainbows to display in the window to thank the NHS and other carers? Can you take a photo of their art?
- Would your children or grandchildren like to be videoed saying a prayer?
- When you go out to clap for our carers this Thursday at 8pm, could you take a video?
- If you or a friend or family member is a frontline worker could you send us a picture, or take a picture (with permission) of a key worker such as a doctor, nurse or other hospital worker, paramedic, carer, shopworker, refuse collector, delivery driver, postal worker, teacher, anyone who is keeping the country running and risking their own health while doing so?
- Can you record yourself saying 'And Also with you' for this service and the Sunday services?
Send these to Alan by Sunday evening (26th) either via his email address, or if the file is very large via Full details of how to record videos and send them are here.
More details about the service are here.
20:49, 13 May 2020
by Melissa Salisbury