This past year has been very different for us all but especially for Waverley’s Mayor, Councillor Penny Marriott.
Since becoming Mayor last June 2020, Waverley has been in one stage or another of restrictions and therefore the normal work of being a Mayor has been very much a ‘virtual’ experience.
As it is the custom to support chosen charities within the borough the Mayor, hoping to raise much needed funds for Waverley Home Start, Farnham and District Sea Cadets and 40 Degreez has taken on the challenge of walking 100 miles, swimming 100 lengths plus learning to ride a bike 100 metres
This amazing lady is one of our Upper Hale Waverley Borough Councillors. What an inspiration!!
Farnham Herald - 29th April announces...'there’s light at the end of the tunnel for the Mayor as she gets set to complete her ‘100+100+100’ charity challenge to walk 100 miles, swim a 100 lengths plus ride a bike 100 metres - all to raise funds for three charities in Waverley'.
Find out more about her journey and support the Mayor here -