The following are publicly accessible policies/procedures associated with the running of the Hale Community and Youth Centre:-
HC+YC Booking Terms & Conditions of Hire and Booking Form.
HC+YC Health & Safety Policy
Building Risk Assessments - Community Centre and Youth Centre. To follow.
Fire Risk Assessments - Community Centre and Youth Centre
Complaints Policy
Environmental Policy and Environmental Sustainability Strategy & Action Plan
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Privacy/Data Protection Policy & Procedures and Privacy Notice
Safeguarding Policy and Safeguarding Procedures
Volunteer Policy
These documents are not meant to be an exhaustive list therefore, please check with the Centre if you require any further information:–
E: or
T: 01252 722362 Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm
Disclaimer: Reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure information in these publications are accurate. However they are not intended to be legally comprehensive; they have been written to provide guidance in good faith, without accepting liability. If relevant, we therefore recommend you take appropriate professional advice before taking any action on the matters covered therein.
(Registered Charity number 1132822)